Racial Equity Statement

A Message From The Cedar
 Released on 4.23.21

First, we would like to extend our condolences to the Floyd family once again. It must have been an emotionally turbulent time as the trial was in process.

Second, we would like to state that we recognize the gravity of racial justice disparities in our nation. 
Chauvin's verdict may be one small step towards understanding the consequences one must face in the aftermath of such atrocities, however, we wonder where this step will take us as we move forward. How we support one another knowing the Black community has been routinely harmed and discriminated against in this nation must be a daily priority. A decision may have been made about an event that should not have happened in the first place, yet we must strive to plan for the future instead of react to the past. Justice can only be served if we think of nourishing the Black community today and for a resilient Black future to be a possibility.

We would like to share with you The Cedar’s Racial Equity Statement. It is our attempt at ensuring The Cedar abides by racially conscious guidelines as we step into the next chapter of our existence as a live music venue. There is much work, and there will be many mistakes, but we are committed. 

We thank you for your continuous support.

with gratitude,
The Cedar
